Macie is always begging Mark to take her to work with him. On Halloween Mark was only working for half a day so he brought his two little attorney helpers. They were elated!!! They love going to his office and coloring with highlighters, which is something they can only use at Daddy's work. They also love being adored by Mark's secretaries and getting sodas out of the office fridge, for some reason they taste better! Mark is such a great Daddy!!!
1 week ago
Highlighters are totally off limits at my house too, since my graffiti artist has tagged nearly every room and that stuff does not come off!
I just read your post about Sean and just can't stop crying. I love your family so much and hope you know I would do anything for you guys. I hope you guys, especially Mark and you are doing as good as you can for what you are dealing with through the holiday season. Please remember I am always here for you and I know there are so many praying for and thinking of you at this time! Love, Kellie
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