Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Pictures!!!

This year we didn't have time to go to the pumkin patch for pictures and I was so stressed out! Difficult life, I know! I was so determined to get the pictures that the day after Halloween I insisted on dragging everyone to the pumkin patch for the yearly ritual, which I think was skipped last year - maybe that's why I was so stressed about it! Anyway, we went to the deserted patch and gathered up as many good pumpkins as possible and staged our own little photo shoot. It was quite stressful and I think everyone thought I was about to rip their heads off, which may explain all of the painful faces!!! We did discover that the pumkins are FREE after Halloween, which Maya and Macie took full advantage of!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Such a funny story. JAMIE, you don't have to be perfect! Skip a year or two, it's OK. But the pictures turned out great! All of you look so cute!